nature communications reported a major breakthrough in the field of organic nanomolymer conducted by the team of professor xie linghai and academician huang wei of njupt-pg电子游戏试玩平台网站

              1. 文章来源:爱游戏·(中国)官方网站英文网发布时间:2020-04-09浏览次数:255

                  the  team led by academician huang wei and professor xie linghai from the  institute of information materials and nanotechnology of our university  has made a major breakthrough in the field of organic nano-polymers. the  research result of stereoskinetic gridization and polygridization with  centrosymmetric molecular packing was published online on april 9 in the  international top journal nature communications. as for the paper,  professor xie linghai and academician huang wei are corresponding  authors, while lin dongqing, a doctoral candidate, and dr. wei ying, a  young teacher, are co-first authors of the paper.

                  in  this study, the a2b2 type synthesator designed by the team not only  overcomes the cross-linking problem, but effectively takes the  structural regularity of the nano-polymer under control. starting from  the theory of ‘molecular absorption investing synergy theory (smart)’,  the team came up with the antiparallel and center symmetry molecular  arrangement mode by making use of the electronic receptors to pi between  attractiveness and protonation of nitrogen impurity fluorene super  charge repulsion of electrophilic body, thus conquering the interference  of friedel-crafts reaction of thermodynamic equilibrium, so as to  realize the implementation the grid and grid meso selectivity of the  reaction. due to the corresponding relationship between a1b1 synthon  dimerization of lattice formed by missing angle and 1948 dutch master  prints the ritz, nai, escher creation “hand to hand painting”, the  research team finally named this kind of organic nanoparticles repeat  unit as drawing hands -type gridarene (dhg), whose definition also  expressed the inter-cultural nano-connection, expecting it to be a  chemical way for effective nano-connection.

