njupt professor wins the best paper award-pg电子游戏试玩平台网站

              1. 文章来源:爱游戏·(中国)官方网站英文网发布时间:2020-10-27浏览次数:157

                professor ding lei from njupt was awarded the best paper award of the top international journal “ieee transactions on industrial informatics” in 2020. recently, the ieee industrial electronics society (ies) international annual conference (iecon 2020) was held online. this paper, “distributed secondary control for active power sharing and frequency regulation in islded-microgrids using an active-communication”, is published by professor ding lei, advanced technology research institute (one work), han qinglong, associate professor zhang xianming, and so on, from swinburne university of technology, australia mechanism was awarded the 2020 outstanding paper award by the ieee transactions on industrial informatics (if=9.112), a leading journal of the ieee transactions on industrial electronics, one of only two outstanding papers of the year. the prize, awarded annually by the ieee industrial electronics society, is awarded to the most original and influential academic paper published in the journal the previous year.