dr. joseph mitola iii, software-pg电子游戏试玩平台网站

              1. 文章来源:通信与信息工程学院发布时间:2015-10-19浏览次数:1550

                on october 17, an ieee fellow, software-defined radio and cognitive radio founder, dr. joseph mitola iii and professor zhang honggang from zhejiang university paid an invited visit to our university. the president of njupt, professor yang warmly met with dr. mitola and held a seminar. some teachers and students from the college of telecommunications and information engineering participated in the meeting and seminar too.

                president yang cordially welcomed dr. mitola and professor zhang. he introduced to dr. mitola and the group about the njupt superior disciplines, achievement of teaching and scientific research, research platforms and famous alumni, etc. dr. mitola also introduced his latest research ideas in the field of security of wireless communications as well as the general situation of development of the communication industry in us. both sides hoped that by mutual team visits, high-level talent cultivation joint application for projects, and regular exchanges and visits, etc., to strengthen the exchange and cooperation between njupt and the research team of dr. mitola. before the seminar, dr. mitola delivered an academic report entitled "trustworthy cognitive radio networks" to teanchers and students from the college of telecommunications and information engineering of njupt. he stressed on the introduction to wireless communications technology ideology, software-defined radio, cognitive radio, etc., and kindly answered the questions raised by the participating teachers and students.

                president yang met with dr.mitola

                president yang, professor zheng baoyu in a cordial conversation with dr. mitola and prof. zhang honggang

                dr. mitola gives an academic report

                dr. mitola in the group photo with teachers and students

                introduction of dr. joseph mitola iii:

                dr. mitola was the founder of software-defined radio, cognitive radio, ieee fellow and ceo of a us wireless communications technology company. he has important academic influence in world wireless communications. in may 1995, he first proposed software radio schema and published it in ieee communications magazine. in august 1999, he further proposed the concept of cognitive radio and published it in ieee personal communications, two articles respectively that has led software defined radio and cognitive radio of research wave, and currently respectively has single article reference 2,060 times and 6,900 times. dr. mitola is internationally recognized as the father of software-defined radio and cognitive radio, and is mainly associated with broadband wireless communication system and network security and other areas of research.

                in 1971, he graduated from the northwest university in us with a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering. in 1974, he graduated from johns hopkins university with a master's degree in stochastic optimal control. in 2000, he graduated from the royal institute of technology in sweden, with a phd in telecommunications information. dr. mitola is the former vice president of the stevens institute in us from 2008 to 2012 and distinguished professor. from 1993 to 2008, he worked for mitre corporation, and from 1974 to 1993, he worked for harris corporation and itt corporation.
