njupt ranks no. 69 on top 100 nature index chinese university list-pg电子游戏试玩平台网站

              1. 文章来源:宣传部发布时间:2015-12-21浏览次数:389

                recently, nature released the nature index ranking of international research institutes in 2015.among the top three universities in mainland china, there are peking university, nanjing university and tsinghua university. nanjing university of posts and telecommunications ranks no. 69 among the university in mainland china.

                the statistics for the nature index of year 2015 are from 1st october, 2014 to 30th september, 2015. as a new index for research assessment born in 2014, the nature index has important impact in terms of evaluation of research institutions’ international high-level academic outcome.   
