njupt held opening ceremony for international students of 2016-pg电子游戏试玩平台网站

              1. 文章来源:发布时间:2016-09-13浏览次数:438

                nanjing university of posts and telecommunications enrolled and welcomed 100 freshmen from 21 countries on september 9th, 2016. the opening ceremony was held in the lecture hall of the administrative building on xianlin campus. among the leaders present were president yang zhen, vice president wang chengkuan, vice president jiang guoping and vice president zhang zhihua. also present at the ceremony were 100 international students of 2016,  the representatives of high-grade international students and other faculty members of njupt. the opening ceremony was chaired by vice president zhang zhihua.

                the ceremony commenced in the solemn tune of the national anthem of china. then vice president zhang zhihua introduced the guests present and welcomed all the freshers.

                president yang zhen, on behalf of the faculty and students, made a welcome speech, concerning the time-honored chinese civilization, the city of nanjing where antiquity and modernity blend harmoniously, and njupt with the reputation of “the cradle of china’s it elites”. president yang quoted confucius words --- we feel delighted to welcome friends from afar --- to greet the new international students. he highlighted the world well-known silk road which could date back to han dynasty more than 2000 years ago. then approximately 1500 years ago tang dynasty already hosted thousands of international students studying chinese economy and culture. president yang also introduced the oceanic silk road settled by the heroic navigator zheng he over 600 hundred years ago in ming dynasty. the president said it’s the international students’ great fortune to pursue their studies in njupt and likewise we were also honored to have them study here. he would spare no efforts to provide them with qualified service as well as a favorable learning and living environment. in addition to his heartfelt blessings, president yang made three suggestions. firstly, learn the chinese language well. secondly, improve their professional skills and extend their knowledge. thirdly, experience the wonderful life in njupt. president yang said through the “one belt, one road” initiative, today’s china intends to share opportunity of developing with people across the globe, creating harmony and prosperity together. “nupters” have inherited the history of glory and are exerting great efforts to build a high-level university with first-class disciplines. in the end president yang encouraged international students to work hard to become the envoy of culture and peace at present and in future.

                chad, the representative of all senior international students, expressed his sincere gratitude to our university, institutes and teachers for their support, care and hard work. he encouraged the new students to attend all their classes without fail. as chairman of international students union chad also promised to continue to work tirelessly for all students. he wished freshmen could make it easy to become a member of this family, live up to those expectations, and do something for the friendship between china and their homelands.

                prof. wang haiyan, the representative of the teaching staff from the school of computer science and technology, congratulated the new students on their admission into njupt, because our university is excellent, growing and beautiful. she thought  they had made a right choice. as their teacher prof. wang gave the new students some suggestions, asking them to be their own manager, to be active and to be professional.

                on behalf of freshers, catherine said she really liked the atmosphere in njupt when she came. she felt lucky to be admitted. as new students they shall try their best to keep the balance between studying hard and having good rest, organize their time and never lose the intention to study, to work hard, to reach new levels every week and month and year.

                participants included leaders and teachers from the president’s office, office of international cooperation & exchanges, teaching affairs office, graduate office, publicity department, personnel management department, office of logistic service, financial department, security department, student affairs office, committee of the youth league, school of overseas education, school of telecommunication and information engineering, school of management, school of computer science & technology, school of foreign languages, school of natural sciences, school of electronic science & engineering ,and department of physical education.

                njupt held opening ceremony for international students of 2016

                president yang zhen delivered a speech

                vice president zhang zhihua chaired the opening ceremony

                prof. wang haiyan, representative of teaching staff, spoke at the ceremony

                chad, representative of senior students, spoke at the ceremony

                cathy, on behalf of new students, spoke at the ceremony

                the opening ceremony for international students
