the establishing ceremony for international students’ logo and starting ritual of “green campus action”-pg电子游戏试玩平台网站

              1. 文章来源:海外教育学院发布时间:2016-11-24浏览次数:1366

                on the afternoon of november 23rd in xianlin campus, at room 300, building one, the establishing ceremony of international students’ logo as well as the starting ritual of “green campus action” were successfully hosted. vice president zhang zhihua, evaluation-construction office, school of oversea education, office of logistic service, and correlated leaders of committee of the youth league chaired the ceremony. the representatives of teaching staff and international students, along with deputies from the student union, english association, “island club” association, and “the green trend” association attended the starting ritual. 

                vice president zhang zhihua’s launching international students’ logos marked the beginning of the ceremony, and that was when the logo “family of international students” and “the international students’ union” came into sight. later on, chairman of the international students union, chad, interpreted them as follows: “family of international students(fis)” represents that international students make up what is called a big family, “the international students’ union(isu)” represents an international students’ organization. three colors including black, white and yellow imply international students with different colors of skin all gathered in njupt. vice president zhang zhihua, presented school of oversea education with the logo of “family of international students” and students from presidium with the logo “the international students’ union”.    

                the launching ceremony of “green campus action”, on the theme of evaluation review, was held after the opening. dina, on behalf of  international students, presented a proposal entitled “the commitment to green campus action”, and submitted it to the tutor. teachers and international students representatives had “the last one please turn off the lights” slogan clung to the switch near the classroom door, with the aim of appealing to protect the environment and lead a energy-saving and emission-reduction life.

                vice president zhang zhihua addressed sincere congratulations on international students for possessing their own logos, encouraged and appreciated for their launching the “green campus action” campaign, hoping they can promote the construction of academic atmosphere, and be actively prepared for evaluation review. on top of that, to set an example by guiding a green life in campus, to spread positive energy and to establish distinctive international students’ culture were highly expected as well. 

                the scene of establishing and opening ceremony

                vice president zhang zhihua granted logos for school of oversea education

                teachers and international students representatives started “green campus action” campaign

